TIO launches We Say Thank You Appeal

TIO launches We Say Thank You Appeal

TIO has established an appeal for the Royal Darwin Hospital Burns Service to thank the Territory community for its support following last week’s attack on its Darwin branch.

Chief Executive Richard Harding said the We Say Thank You Appeal would provide an opportunity for TIO and the community to express their gratitude to those who responded to the attack. TIO has kicked off the appeal with an initial $50,000 contribution and will be working with the community on specific fund-raising activities.
"We have been overwhelmed with support from the community and we know people are looking for an opportunity to express their feelings in a tangible way," Mr Harding said.
"We have already been contacted by a number of individuals and organisations that want to participate in some form of fund-raising activity.
"This appeal will provide a focus for that activity and ensure it makes a meaningful contribution back to the community."
Mr Harding said the Burns Service was an appropriate recipient of the appeal funds given the nature of the injuries to staff and others.
"While there were many people and organisations who responded to this incident, the Burns Service will have an ongoing role in the recovery and rehabilitation of patients," he said.
Mr Harding said he was pleased TIO staff were recovering so well and they would continue to be supported by the organisation, their families and friends.
People wishing to donate to the appeal can do so by either electronic transfer through internet banking or by going into their own bank and requesting a transfer.
The account details are:
Account name:
RDH Burns Service AppealBSB: 704-930Account number: 100836980
for further information please contact Chris Thiel, Head of Corporate Relation 0407216650