Minahan Medal Winners

The Central Australian Football League's most prestigious individual men's award, the Minahan Medal,  is named after Mona Minahan. 

She was a prominent businesswoman who first donated the medal to the CAFL in 1947. Mona's Lounge at Traeger Park is also named in her honour. 

In 1947 and 1948 the Minahan Medal was awarded to the fairest and more brilliant player in the competition as judged by the umpires. From 1949 - 1980, the Mail Medal became the award voted on by the umpires, while the Minahan Medal was decided by spectators votes until returning to its former status in 1981.

The below table has the winners of both the Mail Medal (named first) and Minahan Medal (second name) between 1949 and 1980.

1947 Robert Roman Pioneer
1948 Michael Costello Pioneer
1949 Henry Peckhanm | Ignatious Ganley Pioneer | Rovers
1950 William Taylor | William Taylor Pioneer
1951 Ray Gill | Ignatious Ganley Federal | Rovers
1952 William Harris | Edward Morris Rovers | Federal
1953 William Harris | William Harris Rovers
1954 Norman Musgrove | David Henscke & Norman Musgrove Rovers | Rovers
1955 Richie Bray | Brian Napier Pioneer | Federal
1956 Peter Plane | Fred McCoy Rovers | Pioneer
1957 John Turner | Willie Cole Rovers | Pioneer
1958 Brian McGrath | Brian McGrath Federal
1959 Richie Roman | Ivan Briggs Federal | Rovers
1960 Trevor Reid | Kevin Tilmouth Pioneer | Federal
1961 Kevin Tilmouth | Kevin Tilmouth Federal
1962 Lional Turner | David Baldock Ammonguna | Federal
1963 Peter Buckmhan, Michael Liddle & David Thompson | John Amadio Federal, Federal & Pioneer | Rovers
1964 Peter Buckham | Rusty Lush Federal | Rovers
1965 Donald Aycliffe | Kenneth Ogden Federal | Pioneer
1966 Michael Liddle | Michael Liddle Pioneer
1967 James Peterson | James Peterson Rovers
1968 John Pepperill | John Pepperill Pioneer
1969 Steven Satour | Steven Satour Pioneer
1970 Ian Fisher | Angelo Colangelo Melanka | Rovers
1971 Lloyd Bray | Owen Cole Pioneer | Pioneer
1972 Ross McGorman | Raymond Burch Federal | South
1973 Greg Bee | Richard Kopp Federal | Pioneer
1974 Martin Sampson | Bruce Simmons South | Federal
1975 Paul AhChee | Andrew McLay Pioneer | Rovers
1976 Andrew Calma | Graham Bowden & George Cook South | Federal & South
1977 Richard Townsend | Theo Vanderwyst Federal | Federal
1978 Alan Irwin | Neil Chatfeild Rovers | West
1979 Lance White | Greg Peris Pioneer | South
1980 Stuart Williamson | Stuart Williamson West
1981 Wayne Hynes Rovers
1982 Greg Fields Federal
1983 Lance White Pioneer
1984 Rod McPhee West
1985 Patrick Nandy South
1986 Gary Bullen Rovers
1987 Lance White Pioneer
1988 Michael Earl Rovers
1989 Steven Connelly Wests
1990 Dale Hynes  Pioneer
1991 Clayton Lewis Federal
1992 Paul Mullins Rovers
1993 Darren Debrenni Rovers
1994 Tim Hammond Rovers
1995 Graeme Smith Pioneer
1996 Darren Talbot South
1997 Rory Chapple West
1998 Willie Tilmouth South
1999 Shane Hayes Federal
2000 Graeme Smith Pioneer
2001 Jarrod Berrington Rovers
2002 Jaime Tidy Rovers
2003 Ryan Mallard Pioneer
2004 Matt Campbell Pioneer
2005 Charlie Maher Jnr South
2006 Peter Rolfe Federal
2007 Henry Labastida & Kenny Morton West & Rovers
2008 Joe Cole Pioneer
2009 Darren Ferguson West
2010 Paul Campbell Pioneer
2011 Darren Young Ltyentye Apurte
2012 Charlie Maher Jnr South
2013 Seth Matson Rovers
2014 Charlie Maher Jnr South
2015 Nathan Mutch Federal
2016 Abraham Ankers Federal
2017 Henry Impu Wests
2018 Toshie Kunoth & Daniel Stafford Rovers & South
2019 Darren Abbott Souths
2020 Abraham Ankers Federal
2021 Nigel Lockyer Jnr Rovers




Daniel Gorry

Abraham Ankers

Daniel Stafford


