Flynn set to umpire 350th Men's Premier League match


In what is an extraordinary achievement, TIO Northern Territory Football League (NTFL) Umpire Kathryn Flynn will be celebrating 350 Men’s Premier League boundary games today when Nightcliff take on Waratah in the Men's Premier League 2nd Semi-final at 6.45pm at TIO Stadium 

Quietly spoken and modest but always prepared to enjoy a social event, Kathryn started boundary umpiring on the 15th October 2000 and went on to make her Men's Premier League debut on the 19th January 2003. She has gained Life Membership with NTFL Umpire Association in 2010 and also AFLNT Life Membership in 2011/12. Throughout the course of her journey, Kathryn has umpired a total of 524 games and built an astounding resume which includes:

14 Men's Premier League semi-finals
3 Men's Premier League preliminary finals
9 Men's Division 1 Grand Finals
1 Division 2 Grand Final 
4 Under 18 Grand Finals
1 Under 16 Grand Finals
2003/4 and 2004/5 Tiwi Grand Finals
NTFL Umpire Association
2003/4 - 2009/10 Treasurer
2010/11 Vice President
2011/12 Vice President
2012/13 Committee
2017/18 Vice President
Kathryn also won the Michael Simpson Award (Best Boundary Umpire) in 2010 and 2 Most Improved boundary awards (2001/02 and 2003/04).

AFLNT Umpiring Manager Andrew Wainwright says Kathryn’s milestone of 350 MPL games is an astonishing achievement. 

"Her dedication and commitment over the last 20 years is profound. On top of that, Flynny is a great person to have around the group, rarely misses training and always enjoys a beer after Thursday night training at appointments night," he said. 

"On behalf of AFLNT and the NTFL Umpires Association, we would like to congratulate and celebrate Kathryn’s 350 MPL game on Saturday evening.” 

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