AFL Schools

AFL School Sessions

AFLNT offers a range of in school programs run by qualified Game Development officers including:

  • Free promotional programs
  • Sporting schools programs (including equipment)
  • Multicultural school programs 
  • Level 0 Auskick coaching courses

For more information regarding our School Programs please contact your regional Development Coordinator, as seen below.

AFLNT School Ambassador Program

The AFL School Ambassador (AFLSA) program aims to resource, recognise, motivate and reward teachers who strongly promote the game of Australian Football in their schools and community in the Northern Territory. Any primary or secondary school teacher can join, as we aim to have as many ambassadors as possible. 

The benefits of becoming a school ambassador include:

  • Getting opportunities for you school to be involved in inter-school and intra-school activities
  • Free professional development
  • Ongoing assistance from AFLNT development staff
  • Regular communications
  • Access to online learning material 
  • A chance to win Ambassador of the Year award and win a trip to Melbourne

If you would like to register to be a school ambassador please do so here

Coaching in schools

Quality coaching is one of the primary reasons why players continue to participate in AFL. Teaching the skills, tactics and strategies of Australian football is a rewarding experience with the coach having significantly more influence upon players than any other official or person connected with football.

CoachAFL has been developed to support coaches, including teachers. Teachers make quality coaches because they understand how people learn, they know how to create a learning environment and ultimately, they are role models.

CoachAFL provides access to online courses to support your development. The online Foundation Coaching Courses are referenced against the Australian Professional Standards for Teachers. As a teacher, if you are looking to gain CPD points/hours from completing the online course, please get in touch with the contacts bellow for more information on how this works in the Northern Territory.

As a benefit of membership to CoachAFL, teachers and coaches are provided access to an extensive resource library filled with exclusive coaching resources that teachers and school coaches can utilise in their lessons and after school sport activities. These resources include videos and articles from AFL Senior Coaches, as well as over 200 activities that can be used in school PE lessons, after school sport activities or at football training. 

Becoming a member of CoachAFL is easy, and can be completed in three simple steps: 

  1. Fill out the Coaching Profile
  2. Complete the annual membership fee ($49.50)
  3. Agree to the Coaches’ Code of Conduct and complete an online Foundation Course

Teachers are encouraged to join the coaching community today!
To find out more, visit  


Programs Manager - NT -
Game Development Coordinator - Palmerston region -
Game Development Coordinator - Darwin region -
Game Development Coordinator - Central Australia -