2021/22 TIO NTFL Finals Series Fixture Announced


AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) advises the details of the 2021/22 TIO Northern Territory Football League (NTFL) finals series have been confirmed.

TIO Stadium and TIO Oval 2 will host all senior matches throughout the finals series. Under 18’s will start on Friday nights across both venues and all Premier League matches will be showcased on TIO Stadium on Saturday’s. 

This season AFLNT are increasing the number of finals matches which are live streamed to the AFLNTv YouTube channel. Links to these will be available leading into each week of finals via the AFLNT website and social media channels.

In a first for the Under 18 Boys and Girls competitions, all finals matches fixtured at TIO Stadium will be live streamed, kicking off with the Week One Elimination Finals on the evening of Friday 26 February – a win for fans, families and friends of the TIO NTFL’s upcoming stars.

Head of AFLNT Sam Gibson said he’s thrilled more of the highly anticipated finals matches across the TIO NTFL grades will be available for audiences nationwide. 

“It is exciting we are able provide the broader community the opportunity to enjoy some of the NT’s exciting brand of finals football this season, both in the Territory and interstate,” he said.  

“I want to thank the NT News for their continued support of Territory footy and for live streaming all Men’s Premier League matches with the addition of the Women’s finals this season.”

All Premier League matches will be available to stream via the NT News website or app and available 24 hours after first bounce on the AFLNTv YouTube channel. 

The Sports Entertainment Network (SEN) and ABC Grandstand will continue broadcasting selected Premier League matches via 1611 SEN Top End or the SEN app and via the ABC Listen App. 

“Week Three of finals marks the junior Grand Final weekend and this season we will again stream all junior Grand Finals from Under 12’s which we know is very popular with friends and family from interstate tuning in,” Gibson added. 

Kicking off the Junior Grand Finals, the Under 12’s competition on Friday 11 March at TIO Oval 2 with food and beverages available for family and friends on the concourse to enjoy!

Know a junior or youth team who didn’t make it through finals but deserved to? They may still get a chance to play in one this season!

“Due to the integration of the Environment Point system in our junior competitions this season, teams who maintained the best game environments throughout the season will have their chance to win inaugural E-Plate Finals,” Gibson said. 

“Since we introduced E-Point, the junior and youth grades have seen some great results and we can’t wait to reward the teams who have ensured the game remains fun and safe for all participants.” 

View the E-Plate Finals fixture here

Those attending finals matches at TIO NTFL venues will be met with frozen 2021/22 season gate entry prices. For more information, click here.  

Special edition TIO NTFL Finals Series Insight programs will be available for purchase at TIO Stadium Bonson Gate for $3. 

TIO NTFL Premier League Finals Fixture:

WEEK ONE – TIO Stadium – Saturday 26 February 2022
12:30pm – Women’s Premier League – Elimination Final
02:30pm – Women’s Premier League – Qualifying Final
04:30pm – Men’s Premier League – Elimination Final
07:00pm – Men’s Premier League – Qualifying Final

WEEK TWO – TIO Stadium – Saturday 5 March 2022
12:15pm – Women’s Premier League – Semi Final 1
02:15pm – Women’s Premier League – Semi Final 2 
04:15pm – Men’s Premier League – Semi Final 1
06:45pm – Men’s Premier League – Semi Final 2

WEEK THREE – TIO Stadium – Saturday 12 March 2022
04:30pm – Women’s Premier League – Preliminary Final
06:30pm – Men’s Premier League – Preliminary Final 

WEEK FOUR – TIO Stadium – Saturday 19 March 2022 
04:00pm – Women’s Premier League – Grand Final
06:30pm – Men’s Premier League – Grand Final 

The TIO NTFL finals fixture, results and ladder can be viewed via Play HQ here.  

Competition news