2021/22 TIO NTFL Tribunal, Wednesday 20 October


AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) advises the independent Tribunal sat tonight, Wednesday 20 October, to hear one charge from the senior grades of Round 2 of the 2021/22 TIO NTFL.
Men's Premier League

Bradley Stokes of Darwin Buffaloes Football Club appeared before the independent Tribunal to answer the charge of rough conduct against #36 of Southern Districts Football Club in the second quarter of the NTFL Men’s Premier League match between Darwin Buffaloes and Southern Districts at Cazalys Arena in Palmerston on Sunday 10 October 2021.

Stokes entered a plea of not guilty to the charge which was originally classified as intentional conduct, high impact and high contact.

Upon reviewing the footage and the evidence placed before them, the Tribunal determined an alternative classification and amended the charge to be careless conduct, medium impact and body contact. 

Pursuant to 3.8 (c) in the 2021 State and Territory Tribunal Guidelines, Stokes was able to enter an early guilty plea to the amended charge. 

In summary, the Tribunal sanctioned Stokes with a reprimand given the regrading took place and he took the early plea. 

Appeals Process
Offending clubs (alleged) and/or the Controlling Body have until 5pm today to lodge an appeal in writing to the AFLNT Football Operations team. The grounds for appeal under the 2021 State and Territory Tribunal Guidelines are as follows:
4.3 Grounds for Appeal
Except where otherwise determined by the Controlling Body, a Person found guilty of a Reportable Offence by the Tribunal, or the Controlling Body may only appeal to the Appeal Board in respect of a decision made by the Tribunal under these Guidelines on one or more of the following grounds:
(a) that there was an error of law;
(b) that the decision was so unreasonable that no Tribunal acting reasonably could have come to that decision having regard to the evidence before it;
(c) the classification of the level of the offence was manifestly excessive or inadequate; or
(d) that the sanction imposed was manifestly excessive or inadequate.

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