Nominations open for headspace AFLNT Wellbeing Champions


In conjunction with headspace Darwin, AFLNT is delighted to announce the Wellbeing Champions program will be in place again for the 2019/20 TIO NTFL season, with this year's program expanded to include all NTFL clubs.

This season's collaboration between headspace Darwin and AFLNT will equip ‘Wellbeing Champions’ in all NTFL clubs to encourage and support teammates, volunteers and community members to access mental health services.

After undertaking formal training, Wellbeing Champions become the on-the-ground link to service providers and health professionals. They can offer guidance and contacts for matters related to performance, nutrition, sleep, gambling, employment, finance, relationships, and overall mental health. 

Wellbeing Champions are required to commit to formal training throughout the season to gain the confidence and knowledge they will need (a total of approximately 10 hours over the season). There are also regular catch-ups with headspace Darwin staff and other Wellbeing Champions. 

Jade Gooding, Anglicare NT Executive Manager of Mental Health, said Wellbeing Champions could help foster a positive environment in clubs.

“The Wellbeing Champion program was introduced in the 2018/19 NTFL season as a new and innovative way to promote positive mental health and wellbeing within football clubs.”

“headspace research shows that nearly one in three (32%) young Australians are reporting high or very high levels of psychological distress. The Wellbeing Champions provide a safe avenue for players and club members to access the support they need; whether it’s simply having a chat, seeking advice on available services or guidance around referral pathways,” said Ms Gooding.
“We’re thrilled to be partnering with AFLNT for another season and are looking forward to working with our new champions.”

AFLNT Wellbeing Coach, Belinda Creer said the Wellbeing Champions program would benefit society as a whole.   

“We want to provide a safe environment which encourages and contributes to conversations of the importance of wellbeing, and working alongside allied health professionals such as headspace allows this to take place.”
“Informally, there are already ‘Wellbeing Champions’ in clubs; the people that provide that extra support and a shoulder to lean on. The access to resources this program provides is an opportunity for these key members to gain knowledge, confidence and be fully supported,” she said.

Those keen to put in a nomination form can do so via contacting your club committee or Belinda Creer – 0418 687 474 for more information. All applicants will need to be endorsed by their club and will be screened to assess suitability to fulfil the role.

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