AFLNT Statement re Cyclone Warning

Stu Totham

As you will be aware the Bureau of Meteorology have now put in place a cyclone warning for Darwin.

The advice we are receiving indicates the system will be at its worst tomorrow evening, and about the time the Men’s Premier League grand final was due to start. 

On the advice that the system will have cleared and the warning be lifted by Sunday morning we have worked with the NTFL clubs, sponsors and corporate guests to reschedule all eight games to Sunday with some minor adjustments.

The TIO NTFL Men’s Premier League is scheduled to now be played at 6:05pm Sunday night, allowing families to come and enjoy a great grand final before work and school on Monday.  

Our usual food and bar outlets, entertainment and fun will go ahead as planned. 

A lot of work goes into Grand Final day from corporates, to traffic management and the broadcast so we thank everyone for their cooperation. 

If the warning is still in place come 8am Sunday then we may not be able to proceed, likewise should the warning have lifted but the ground be unsafe to play or the stadium not safe for patrons then we may look to postpone.

However, at this stage and based on the fact we’re currently in a warning we are readying our staff and facilities in line with cyclone procedures.

For full details of Grand Final Day click here 

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