Tiwi Bombers withdraw from remainder of 2021/22 TIO NTFL season


AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) advise the Tiwi Bombers Football Club will not return to the TIO Northern Territory Football League (NTFL) this season. 
In light of the increasing spread of COVID in the Territory, the Tiwi Bombers, after consultation with Tiwi Land Council, Northern Territory Government and other key community stakeholders advised it is of the best interest of the community that the Bombers withdraw from the remainder of the home and away season. 
AFLNT supports this decision as the health and safety of the community remains the highest priority. 
AFLNT Community Football Manager Leigh Elder said the league will continue to work closely with the Tiwi Bombers to ensure on-going support is received. 
“AFLNT are committed to continue supporting the Bombers through this trying time,” he said.
“AFLNT staff will continue to work closely with the Bombers and committee members while our Remote Development Manager based on the Islands will remain heavily involved in the Tiwi Island Football League’s operations.
“While the ongoing pandemic continues to impact and challenge our competition, we will continue to work closely with each club and will remain led by the advice of the Northern Territory Government, relevant health authorities and land councils to ensure the safety of our footy community and progressing the season as safely as possible.”   
Tiwi Bombers President Dean Rioli said the health and safety of the Tiwi Islands and broader football community is paramount. 
“Even though we were really looking forward to playing out the rest of the season, safety comes first, and we need to ensure travel is limited in order to minimise the COVID risk to the community,” he added. 
“I wish to thank AFLNT, Tiwi Bombers Board Members, Northern Territory Government, Tiwi Land Council and other key community stakeholders for their advice and ongoing support. We will now take this opportunity to press pause, reset and get ready for a big return in season 2022/23!”
All remaining Tiwi Bombers fixtured matches will be deemed as forfeits to ensure it is equitable for all clubs.  
The Tiwi Islands Football League (TIFL) is currently on hold due to the COVID threat. AFLNT will support both the Tiwi Bombers and TIFL and will assist the return of the game as soon as it is safe to do so.

Competition news