AFLNT takes decisive action regarding TIO Stadium incident


A report by an independent investigator on the incidents that occurred outside TIO Stadium on Saturday 20 February has now been received by AFLNT. 

The comprehensive report outlined the scope, findings and recommendations for sanctions under the AFLNT Code of Conduct and Conditions of Entry. 

This Report outlines the circumstances of three separate incidents involving four perpetrators that occurred on Saturday 20 February 2021. The identity of those involved will not be released by the AFLNT at this stage, due to their ages, as well as the referral of this report to police.

The Report includes detail of premeditation with regards to confrontations and assaults which were founded from discussions, reviews of written accounts, CCTV footage and eye-witness reports of what occurred. 

AFLNT have adopted the investigation findings and recommendations regarding breaches of the AFLNT Code of Conduct and Conditions of Entry in relation to these incidents. 

The breaches fall under Category 1, 2 and 3 of the AFLNT Code of Conduct and Conditions of Entry. In line with recommendations contained in the report, AFLNT have applied the following sanctions, effective immediately:

  • ​​​​Wanderers FC Player 1: two (2) years suspension from all events at TIO Stadium and all activity at AFLNT sanctioned events across all AFLNT controlled venues and player deregistration 
  • Wanderers FC Player 2: three (3) years suspension from all events at TIO Stadium and all activity at AFLNT sanctioned events across all AFLNT controlled venues and player deregistration 
  • Wanderers FC Player 3: five (5) years suspension from all events at TIO Stadium and all activity at AFLNT sanctioned events across all AFLNT controlled venues and player deregistration 
  • Parent of Wanderers FC Player: one (1) year suspension from all events at TIO Stadium and all activity at AFLNT sanctioned events across all AFLNT controlled venues and player deregistration 

No further individuals were found to breach the AFLNT Code of Conduct and Conditions of Entry. 

Each player that has received penalties can apply to AFLNT for re-registration upon completion of their sanction.

Head of AFLNT Stuart Totham says he considers the type of anti-social and violent acts that were displayed as a threat to the well-being and future prosperity of AFL in the Territory. 

“The actions of these four people are extremely disappointing and we take these violent incidents very seriously,” Totham said. 

“As a result, we believe the sanctioned length of time each perpetrator will spend away from the game appropriately reflects the severity of their actions. Time during which they may reflect on the damage they have caused to not only to their victims, witnesses and club, but the wider football community too.” 

AFLNT are working with the Clubs involved and NT Police to ensure support for both victims and perpetrators is made available. This support is initially being facilitated through Headspace.

“I would like to acknowledge the victims and their families and their frustrations over the last two weeks while waiting for the investigation to conclude. I feel terrible that this event has occurred at the footy. Digesting what occurred has been really hard for us all to comprehend,” Totham said.

“We are side by side with all NTFL Clubs in our efforts to ensure the environment at the footy is one that is safe, enjoyable and remains a sport of choice for all Territorians.

“We will continue to take all steps necessary to ensure similar incidents are not repeated in future.”

The Wanderers Football Club has today acknowledged the report’s findings.
“We will act on the recommendations and want the same outcome as AFLNT,” Wanderers President Jerome Cubillo said.

“We are a proud club, we have lots of volunteers, we all work tirelessly and we want footy to be a safe place for not just our members but the whole footy community.

“We don’t condone violence in any form within our Club; whether on the field or off the field.”

Totham also said that AFLNT would be working with all Clubs in the offseason to propose changes to its bylaws and offence protocols with the view of introducing mandatory temporary suspensions for all participants until those incidents are either investigated and/or dealt with by the courts.

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