AFLNT celebrates International Day of People with Disability


AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) is proud to join the wider community today to celebrate International Day of People with Disability (IDPwD) on Friday, December 3. 

The United Nations observed day celebrates the contributions and achievements of people with disability and increases public awareness, understanding and acceptance of people with disability across the world.

The AFL’s commitment to making the game accessible and inclusive for all continues to be a priority, with the establishment of a number of new inclusion programs in 2021 extending participation opportunities for people with disability.

IDPwD is an opportunity for us to make positive changes to the lives of the 4.4 million Australians with disability.

Today, the Central Australian team are hosting a celebration event for those who have been involved in the Footy 4 Life Wellbeing Wednesday program at the Alice Springs Telegraph Station from 3.30-5.30pm. There will be games, food, prizes and heaps of fun! All are welcome.

In the Top End tomorrow, an Inclusion Carnival will be played with Darwin and Tiwi Island participants at TIO Oval 2 from 4.30pm after a day of Combine Testing and watching the TIO Northern Territory Football League Tiwi Bombers take on Palmerston Magpies at TIO Stadium. All are welcome to come down and show their support!