Academy camp the first of its kind for remote players

A first-of-its-kind camp for remote players from Katherine, Gove, Maningrida, Elcho Island and Tiwi Island was held last weekend as part of the Under 18 NT Thunder Women’s Academy.

The Michael Long Learning and Living Centre (MLLLC) hosted 26 remote players last weekend for the three-day camp, which involved a clear talent focus, as well as an education component off the field.

NT Thunder Women’s Academy Manager Heidi Thompson said some players involved in the camp had put their hand up to be selected in the Under 18 and Under 16 NT Thunder Academy squads.

“We will be closely monitoring the players over the next month in the lead up to our first NAB League game in April,” she said.

“The development and improvement in technical skills and each player’s confidence was evident and the energy and level of communication was pleasing to see.

“I was very impressed with the players willingness to learn in a such an unfamiliar environment and so far away from home.

“I hope that all participants came away with positive experiences and now it is up to each player to take their key learnings back to community to continue their football development.”

The camp kicked off with some team building and finding out each player’s story, before the girls participated in a gym program, high performance testing and a task led by the Defence Force Recruiting (DFR) to teach the importance of good communication.

All players then went into nutrition, mindset and well-being education before being undertaking a training session including warm up, footy skills and game sense drills.

The girls then had the opportunity to watch the NTFL finals that night from the best seat in the house up on the balcony of the MLLLC.

This inspired the girls who jumped out of the blocks quickly in their match against the Under 15 Nightcliff team on Sunday morning.

The bounce, run and carry was on display early along with creative kicks for goal from all areas of the field.

In hot and humid conditions the Remote Team worked hard together with all players provided the opportunity to play in a range of positions.

The speed of them game was a real highlight, with the Remote Team running out the match well.