Having fun with our remote programs in Central Australia

Remote programs in Central Australia

by Tommy Dutton, Remote Development Manager (MLLLC) ‑ Central Australia 

Term 2 was a massive 10 weeks of football fun out in the remote Central Australian community schools. 

AFLNT remote staff travelled as far as Kintore in the west (550kms) to as close as KITES - a school based in Alice Springs for remote students based in Alice Springs for a variety of reasons. 

In total the team visited 10 different schools which included weekly Auskick activities, interschool sports days (Arlparra), youth girls after school football training (Ntaria), Michael Long Learning Leadership Camp (MLLLC) in Darwin (Ntaria students), Auskick training as personal development for seniors at Santa Teresa, as well as first time visits to small schools such as Mt Liebig, Haast Bluff and Kintore. 

However, the highlight of the term for this particular writer was the buy-in from local leaders at Areyonga. 

This stemmed from the opportunity one local man Kelly Dijana had with Rio Tinto Footy Means Business where he travelled away for educational and football programs. 

Once he returned he would help the team at the school and when not available send over other local football players who were often fathers or uncles to students. 

This type of role model for students to observe first hand is priceless.

AFLNT would like to send a huge shout out to all teachers and principals for their help in working their schedules around to fit us in. We would also like to thank WANTA, Tjuwanpa, WYDAC and Caylus that helped with the programs.