Georgopoulos to umpire 500th game

AFL Northern Territory would like to congratulate Barry Georgopoulos on umpiring his 500th senior Central Australian Football League (CAFL) game in Alice Springs this weekend.

Georgopoulos first umpired in 2003 in the Men’s Premier League game between Pioneer and Rovers.
Over the years he has umpired 15 CAFL Grand Finals, at NEAFL level, in communities such as Yuendumu, Nyrippi, Papunya, Amata in the Pitlands, SA and has been the Umpires Coach in Alice Springs. 

Georgopoulos is also the current CAFL Umpires Association President.
Simon Hargrave,  Football Operations Manager – Central Australia says “It is a great achievement for Barry to reach such a big milestone. He has been a big part of umpiring in Central Australia and a well respected umpire by all clubs and officials.”
Georgopoulos said “It’s been a long and very interesting journey, I’ve had some great opportunities and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it and would recommend umpiring to anyone who wishes to take it up.”

“It’s great to engage with the community, both in town and out bush, and I’ve met a lot of interesting people and have formed very good friendships as well” he said.
For further media opportunities contact Simon Hargrave on (08) 8952 1670

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