Consultation to light Gardens Oval kicks off

Please see here for a joint media release between AFLNT and NT Cricket

Inner Darwin could be home to a new night sporting facility if a proposal to light Gardens Oval gains traction with the community.

AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) and Northern Territory Cricket (NT Cricket) would like lights installed at Gardens Oval 1, opening the venue up to night training and games. 

AFLNT CEO Michael Solomon said growing pressure on Darwin’s playing fields is widely felt amongst local sporting clubs and a solution is needed to help grow sport in the Territory.

“Darwin is crying out for a new night sporting venue and Gardens Oval is the smart choice because it’s so central and iconic,” Michael said. 

“The women’s and junior competition is growing at a rate that we can’t sustain because we don’t have enough room for our teams to practice and play,” he said.

“Gardens Oval should be central to our sporting landscape but unfortunately it remains underutilised due to the absence of lights,” he said.

The proposal includes a four-pole lighting scheme with lights featuring glare shields and rear visors to control light spill and direct it onto the oval.

NT Cricket CEO Troy Watson said cricket in the Territory is hugely popular but growth is limited because there aren’t enough playing fields.

“Cricket is bursting at the seams in Darwin, but currently we don’t have secure and regular access to a lit facility in the Darwin region, Troy said.

“It’s difficult to support the growth in the game or help participants access their sport of choice at alternative times when we don’t have access to a night sporting facility,” he said.

 Gardens Oval is one of 17 public sports reserves provided by the City of Darwin. Council is expected to decide on whether it supports the proposal following the consultation process. 

 Consultation runs until 28 July and includes meetings with stakeholders and community members, together with an on-line survey.  

A community event will be held at Gardens Oval on 26 July 2017 from 5:00 - 6:30pm, allowing people to find out more about the proposal.

More information on the proposal and a link to the on-line survey can be found at, or by contacting True North Strategic Communication on 8981 6445 or email

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