Construction of the Michael Long Learning and Leadership Centre set to Commence

Construction of the Michael Long Learning and Leadership Centre set to Commence

AFLNT wishes to advise that local NT construction company, Sitzler, will this week commence preliminary work on the site of the Michael Long Learning and Leadership Centre at TIO Stadium Marrara.

AFLNT is delighted that a local company with the required local knowledge and expertise has been awarded the tender to construct what is considered to be the most innovative sports themed educational facility ever built in the NT.

The Michael Long Learning and Leadership Centre will facilitate, through the primary activity of AFL football and the delivery of a suite of specially tailored educational modules, the motivation for Indigenous children in the NT to develop their leadership attributes and life skills by providing them with a unique educational experience in an AFL football environment.

The Michael Long Learning and Learning and Leadership Centre will comprise of residential accommodation for children from remote communities and will offer first class sporting and educational facilities designed to provide many positive outcomes and produce the leaders of tomorrow.

An official sod turning ceremony is planned for late January with many dignitaries from across Australia set to attend and celebrate this momentous occasion.

Initial site clearing works begin this week and AFLNT will provide regular updates on the progress of the building phase.