Western Aranda Summer Competition Kicks Off

Western Aranda Summer Competition Kicks Off

Summer might not have officially started but that hasn't stopped Hermannsburg from starting the Western Aranda Summer football competitions for 2009/10.

Last week, Hermannsburgbeguna6-team Senior AFL competition and a 4-team Under 14 junior AFL competition.
The 6 senior sides are;1. Eastside Tigers. 2. Sandhill Lions. 3. Areyonga Tigers. 4. Bunny Hill. 5. Korpoyilya Bulldogs 6. Ulpunda Bulldogs
The 4 junior sides are; 1. Lions 2. Bulldogs 3. Bombers 4.Hawks
The summer competitions are community driven, with assistance from AFLNT and AFLCA. AFLNT RDM Michael Russell has been instrumental in setting up the junior competition and has also been assisting local community members with the coordination of the Senior compettiion. Hermannsburg Senior Football Coach Lloyd Spencer is just one of a number of key local community members that are coordinating the football competitions. The competitions arebeing used as a diversion program for young men in the community who often resort to substance abuse once the football season is over. The junior competition is being used as an incentive for school attendance and behaviour, as well as providing part-time employment and training opportunities for young men in the community who wish to have an involvement in coaching, umpiring, organising, etc.
In another boost for AFL in Hermannsburg, Magellan Petroleum last week confirmed they will continue to sponsor the Hermannsburg Football Club in the 2009 and 2010 CAFL competition.