AFLNT today released its three year strategic plan for 2010 – 2013.

“AFLNT believes it has a significant opportunity over the next three years to deliver a number of profound and lasting positive outcomes for the AFL participants in the NT,” said AFLNT CEO Tony Frawley.

"In particular our strategy has a focus on providing opportunities for indigenous people in remote areas of the Northern Territory."
Key Elements of the strategic plan include:

  • AFLNT to increase its reach and positive social impact into more remote areas, following on from the success of the projects in Wadeye, Groote Eylandt and Galiwinku.
  • Adoption of objective "No matter where you live, your age or gender you can PLAY AFL"
  • Ensure the NT Talent Pathway provides a clear path for ALL talented NT players, and provides specific support and structure in regional and remote areas
  • To develop AFL Matches in NT into premium sporting events
  • Develop and NT wide plan for facility development to enhance growth of the game
  • Continual support and development of NT Thunder and an appropriate Academy to foster this.
  • Strong focus on the growth of the NTFL and affiliates by strengthening the necessary structures that underpin affiliate league future self management. A close partnership with all levels of Government is paramount to this.
  • AFLNT participation rates have grown and this plan ensure the future growth and development of AFL as the Northern Territory’s No.1 sport well into the future.

"Our focus is on sustaining our current programs, supplementing it with adequate growth to ensure our status as the No.1 Sport in the Northern Territory," said Frawley.
The AFLNT Strategic Plan can be downloaded fromHERE or call 08 8980 4888 for more information.