AFLNT and the Northern Territory Football League is pleased to welcome PSE Electrical and Communication as a supporting partner of the 2009/10 TIO NTFL Season.

AFLNT and the Northern Territory Football League is pleased to welcome PSE Electrical and Communication as a supporting partner of the 2009/10 TIO NTFL Season.

Managing Director, Paul Shelley has a rich history in football in northern Victoria and southern NSW having being involved with his home town team Chiltern for many years.

Paul’s  business has grown to include which are a key provider of renewable energy in Australia and the reason for his move to the Northern Territory.

“I have been around football all my life and I am delighted to be supporting a league as prestigious as the NTFL. At PSE we believe that we have a responsibility to the community in which we do business and we are only too happy to assist the NTFL clubs by providing them with quality apparel,” said Shelley.

PSE have recently won the one of the largest renewable energy installation contract in Darwin installing renewable energy solar panels on Millner Primary School.

All of the league’s runner and water carrier guernsey’s have been supplied by PSE to the clubs free of charge.

AFLNT Football Operations Manager Marc Turri welcomed the support by PSE today, “We are always looking to add value to our NTFL clubs and reduce their financial burden by resourcing them as much as possible, and PSE’s contribution has certainly done this.”

“At PSE we have a strong community focus which we have carried right through our operations Australia wide and we look forward to a strong relationship with the NTFL in years to come,” said Shelley.

More information about PSE can be found at or regarding renewable energy please visit .