Barkly Football League 2021 fixture announcement


AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) has today announced the Barkly Football League’s (BAFL) 2021 fixture ahead of the first bounce next Tuesday 4 May.

Regional Development Manager for Barkly, Wayne Green said the 2021 season is shaping up to be a very exciting year of footy in the Barkly and Tennant Creek region. 

“This year we have some awesome news for female footy with the first ever Barkly Youth Girls competition being played on Tuesdays from 4 May at Tennant Creek High School Oval,”

“We also have a Women’s Senior footy competition on the agenda with matches to be scheduled from August”.

After the COVID affected 2020 season, the BAFL are welcoming the return of the Eagles Football Club and the Barkly Work Camp Football Club to the A-Grade fixture. 

The A-Grade competition begins on the 8 May with Barkly Work Camp playing newcomers, Borroloola Thunder Football Club in the competition opener.

These teams join Spitfires, YDU and Elliott Football Clubs to complete the six-team fixture.

“As well as these debuts, we also have a couple of key games including the inaugural Town verse Country Challenge and a Barkly verse Big Rivers representative match during the season with dates to be announced in the coming weeks,”.

“These games are more than just football games and it is very important to the people of all regions to represent their communities.” 

As part of AFLNT’s partnership with the NO MORE campaign, BAFL’s NO MORE Round will be held on Saturday 10 July where teams and umpires will link arms to say NO MORE to violence in the community.
Elliott and Borroloola are both scheduled to play ‘home’ matches at Elliott Oval in the latter half of the season following facility upgrades.

In the junior competitions, the Under 13 grade retains the same model as 2020 with three teams playing round robin matches from 3pm on Fridays, commencing 14 May.

The Under 16 competition is preparing for a mid-week competition under lights and the Under 10 Thunder Juniors start their matches on Friday 14 May from 5.30pm.

The Tennant Creek Auskick Centre will commence 10am every Sunday from 9 May, offering a fun and safe environment for kids from five years old and their families to get together and enjoy all footy has to offer.

To view the BAFL fixtures, click here or you can register to play here

*Competition disclaimer: Game times, dates and venues are all subject to change. Please refer to for the most up to date information throughout the season across all grades and divisions.