2019 TIO CAFL Grand Final Tribunal Update

AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) advises the following two incidents at the 2019 TIO CAFL Senior Men’s game between Rovers FC and South Alice Springs FC, held on Saturday 7 September at TIO Traeger Park have been heard by the independent Tribunal in the past fortnight. 

Terry Braun, spectator of South Alice Springs FC chose to challenge a breach of Code of Conduct Category 3 Offence; using offensive or abusive language (malicious, threatening or otherwise). Braun originally pleaded not guilty. Upon hearing all of the evidence, he (Braun) changed his plea to guilty and accepted the 10-week penalty which will begin in Round 1 of the 2020 TIO CAFL season. 

Michael Tilmouth-Turner, player of South Alice Springs FC was originally charged with a Code of Conduct Category 3 offence but challenged it at Tribunal. Consequently, he was found to be in breach of the AFLNT Social Media Policy Category 2.2 (d); Must not post material that is offensive, obscene, disparaging, defamatory, threatening, harassing, bullying, discriminatory, hateful, racist, sexist, infringes copyright, constitutes a contempt of court, breaches a court suppression order, or is otherwise unlawful. Tilmouth-Turner was found guilty and handed down a three (3) week suspension. His sanction will also begin in Round 1 of the 2020 TIO CAFL season. 

The Tribunal has also recently heard cases deriving from the Community Cup competition. An understanding had been made with community leaders whereby the outcomes of these or Country League cases would not be published. This will be reviewed for the 2020 TIO CAFL season. 

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