Chief Ministers Cup 2018

Chief Ministers Cup 2018

Gove will once again host the annual Chief Ministers Cup this weekend, the fourth year the carnival has run which began for East Arnhem Land communities affected by Cyclone Lam in 2014. 

Players from East Arnhem communities will take to the field and play representative football on Saturday 6 October divided into East vs West teams.

Groote Eylandt, Gove and Gapuwiyak make up the East team while Ramingining, Milingimbi and Galiwinku form the West team.

Players have been selected for their football talent and being role models in their communities. 

The first game will be the Under 16s girls match followed by the Under 18s men, then senior men’s and senior women’s games at the picturesque Yirrkala Oval.

The event has been supported by the Department of the Chief Minister and the  Hon Michael Gunner will be in attendance on the day. 

AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) CEO Stu Totham said the day was a highly anticipated annual event for the participating communities. 

“It’s fantastic that the Government continues to support football in regional and remote Northern Territory through the annual Chief Ministers Cup carnival. 
“The day has more benefits than just football. The Cup carnival involves teams from all over East Arnhem, boy, girls, men and women and an opportunity for communities to come together, test themselves against each other and spend time together” he said.

Yoljnu Radio will be covering the event live on the day and there are lots of fun activities going on around the ground, including bubble soccer. 

AFLNT would like to acknowledge and thank the key supporters who have enabled this event to continue including the Department of the Chief Minister, East Arnhem Regional Council, Miwatj Health, the Geelong Cats Next Generation Academy and many other local organisations.