Tribunal Update - Liddle penalty

Pierce Liddle in action during 2017/18 season

AFLNT wishes to advise the Tribunal has handed down a penalty for one charge from Round 12 of the TIO NTFL Men’s Premier League.

TIO NTFL Men’s Premier League – Round 12

Pierce Liddle of Southern Districts Football Club contested the charge of rough conduct during the first quarter of the Round 12 TIO NTFL Men’s Premier League game between Southern Districts and Waratah Football Club played at TIO Stadium on Sunday 7 January 2018.

On Friday 2 February, the Tribunal found Liddle guilty of rough conduct and upheld the incident as intentional conduct, medium impact and high contact. 

The Tribunal then invited submissions on a penalty by both Southern Districts Football Club and the reporting officer.

Today, the Tribunal has advised that Liddle is to serve a three-match suspension as his penalty. 

The Southern Districts Football Club/Liddle has until 5pm Thursday 8 February to lodge an appeal. The grounds for appeal under the 2017 State and Territory Tribunal Guidelines are as follows:
4.3 Grounds for Appeal
Except where otherwise determined by the Controlling Body, a Person, Club and/or the Controlling Body, may appeal to the Appeal Board in respect of a decision made by the Tribunal under these Guidelines on one or more of the following grounds:
a) that there was an error of law;

b) that the decision was so unreasonable that no Tribunal acting reasonably could have come to that decision having regard to the evidence before it;

c) the classification of the level of the offence was manifestly excessive or inadequate; or

d) that the sanction imposed was manifestly excessive or inadequate.

Should the club/player not lodge an appeal then AFLNT will commence steps to deregister the player as he has completed his sentence and the prescribed penalty has placed him beyond the 15-game suspension threshold allowed under national AFL policy.