TIO NTFL continues awareness raising campaign with beyondblue this weekend

TIO NTFL continues awareness raising campaign with beyondblue this weekend

The TIO NTFL continues their relationship with beyondblue again in the 2015-16 season with the awareness raising round taking a more digital approach this year.

AFL Northern Territory have joined with Jackson Clark, local football scribe, to create a commercial around mental health topics featuring TIO NTFL football players from junior, senior, men and women’s teams.

The commercial focuses on the support the football community can provide to each other when a friend, club mate or family member is experiencing a mental illness and it also encourages viewers to help break down the stigma associated with mental health conditions.

Once launched with the beyondblue Round this weekend, the commercial will be played at TIO Stadium for the rest of the season and embedded in all games live streamed on the NTFL Youtube channel, AFLNTv!
AFL Northern Territory CEO Michael Solomon is a strong advocate of the use of digital media to spread awareness-raising messages as he believes this has a great impact and increases people’s understanding of depression and anxiety.  
“It’s fantastic to see such a wide range of players support this beyondblue round initiative, led by Jackson our TIO NTFL beyondblue ambassador,” Solomon said this morning.

“The continued use of the commercial for the next few months will reach a wider and more dynamic audience through various digital channels including our stadium screen and sound system, AFLNTv!, Jackson Clark’s own platforms and of course various levels of social media we use as well.”

“We hope players involved, their family, friends and supporters go on to share the message through the commercial to their networks and we help raise awareness to this cause that is close to the hearts of many of our staff and members.”

beyondblue CEO Georgie Harman said TVCs and social media are an excellent way to get information about depression and anxiety out to AFL supporters in the Territory.

“At beyondblue, we are always trying to find new ways to engage with people and inform them of risk factors for depression and anxiety, and where to get help if they are experiencing symptoms,” she said.

“We applaud Jackson for his initiative in getting representatives from all levels of the game to collaborate to raise awareness of beyondblue and connect with supporters of all ages.

“We are looking forward to another thrilling beyondblue Round this weekend, and hope everyone will take a moment to think about looking after their mental health and reach out to our free and confidential Support Service (1300 22 4636) or jump on our website www.beyondblue.org.au if they are struggling or know someone who is.”

Round ambassador Jackson Clark has seen the impact of mental health conditions on those around him, particularly in the football community, and as a result has focused his attentions on what he can do in his area of interest, in the digital news space.

Having seen the success of a similar football-themed campaign with a different focus in Victoria, Clark approached AFL Northern Territory regarding the beyondblue Round.

Players involved with the production of the commercial include:
•    Jackson Clark (beyondblue Round Ambassador)
•    Davin Ferreria (Wanderers)
•    Patrick Taban (Nightcliff)
•    Leo Borch (St Mary’s)
•    Phillip Wills (Buffaloes)
•    Bradley Palipuaninni (Tiwi Bombers)
•    Jack Williams (St Mary’s)
•    William Farrer (Southern Districts)
•    Abbey Holmes (Waratah/ Women’s Ambassador)
•    Keidan Holt-Tubbs (Palmerston)
•    Michael Hagan (Buffaloes)
Note: Mental health professionals are available at the beyondblue Support Service via phone 24/7 on 1300 22 4636 or via www.beyondblue.org.au/get-support for online chat (3pm-12am AEST) or email responses (within 24 hours).

Behind the scenes photos by Lauren Clark