Time Running out help your club win $5000

Time Running out help your club win $5000

TIME IS RUNNING OUT. COMP ENDS 30 MAY 2014. Telstra knows how important local Australian Football clubs are to our communities and have launched the Telstra Club Commitment program to prove it! Telstra is giving 20 NT local clubs the chance to win a $5,000 grant. Find out how you can help your club win: www.telstraclubcommitment.com.au

Telstra is supporting local Northern Territory Football Clubs with twenty $5,000 grants through the new ‘Telstra Club Commitment’ program, meaning a total of $100,000 will be invested into the game at grassroots level to help support clubs across the state.
From giving the clubhouse a lick of paint, to improving facilities and purchasing new gear, the grants are an opportunity for suburban and regional clubs to make improvements for their players and members.
Telstra Area General Manager for the Northern Territory, Brian O’Keefe, is encouraging official club representatives from registered Northern Territory local Football clubs to enter by visiting www.telstraclubcommitment.com.au and stating why their club deserves to win, and what the club would spend the grant on.
"Local Australian Football clubs play an important role in the community as they are a place for friends and families to spend time together over a shared passion for the game. Telstra believes in the importance of supporting these local clubs and communities, and will do so by giving away twenty $5,000 grants through the Telstra Club Commitment program," said Mr O’Keefe.
"Players, families and friends in the community can also add to their team’s submission by uploading a photo demonstrating their support for their team on their local club’s submission page," he continued.
Fremantle Dockers star Chris Mayne credits the support and encouragement of his own junior football club, Belmont Junior Football Club, as instrumental to the development of his professional career and is encouraging the Northern Territory clubs to apply for one of the twenty $5,000 grants up for grabs.
"Footy was always my biggest passion as a youngster and I have some really fond memories of playing at junior level. It was here that I learnt about teamwork, hard work and dedication to the sport which has been my life and my career," said Mr Mayne.
To find out how you can help your club win a $5,000 Telstra Club Commitment grant, visit www.telstraclubcommitment.com.au .
Applications will be judged on the creativity and merit of the answer, as well as the creative merit of the community support. Entries close Friday 30 May 2014.
Winners will be published on www.telstraclubcommitment.com.au on Monday 16 June 2014.