It is said that everyone has a story to tell and Territory footy rising stars Fayazz Ferozkhan and Patrick Taban are two young men who have each been on an amazing journey.

Fayazz Ferozkhan and Patrick Taban reflect on their experience at the AFL Multicultural Academy State Camp (top) while Patrick Taban flies high at TIO Stadium yesterday (bottom)

It is said that everyone has a story to tell and Territory footy rising stars Fayazz Ferozkhan and Patrick Taban are two young men who have each been on an amazing journey.

The pair was selected to take part in the AFL Multicultural Academy State Camp from April 2-4 at Assumption College, one of Victoria’s traditional AFL talent pools.

Training at a high performance camp and put to the ultimate physical and mental test as they experienced the life of an elite footballer, Ferozkhan and Taban were selected based on athletic talent, potential leadership qualities and willingness to develop.
"It was the experience of a lifetime and we worked very hard," said Taban.
"We learnt about how important a proper routine is including keeping fit, exercising and healthy eating,"
"I also learnt that you have to work hard off the field as well which is why it is important to do well in school,"
A beaming smile came to Taban’s face when asked about his experience meeting fellow Sudanese Australian and rising North Melbourne ruckman Majak Daw.
"It made me very proud to be a Sudanese Australian and to hear about the things that Majak has done to get to the AFL was amazing".
Taban also reflected on his time since arriving in Australia from war-torn Sudan in 2006, having only taken up Australian Rules with the Nightcliff Tigers in 2008.
"Living in Australia is really good, I like the heat and I like playing footy with my mates,"
"There are no wars here and everyone makes you feel very welcome".
Indian born Ferozkhan has followed a similar path to Taban, having only taken up playing with the Palmerston Magpies after arriving in Australia in 2007.
Ferozkhan smiled when asked about how he got his start in footy.
"I was hanging out with my mates at school and I started kicking the footy around with them," he said.
"After a while some of my mates asked me if I wanted to come and play at Palmerston and I’m glad I did, it’s a great club with great people who look after and support you,"
Ferozkhan’s rise has caught the eye of Territory footy fans and officials, claiming the 2010/11 Lew Fatt Medal in the NTFL Under 14 competition after just two years playing competitively.
Despite the award and recognition, Ferozkhan said that the advice of AFL players including Richmond’s Brett Deledio at the Camp reminded all participants that hard work was the key to further success.
"It was great hearing what AFL players have to do every day to be successful and you have to be passionate and motivated about what you do," he said.
"But the AFL players also said that it is just as important to enjoy what you do and to have fun doing it".
So what was the one piece of advice the boys had for future AFL stars across the country?
"Believe in yourself," said Taban.
"Focus. If you aren’t focused you won’t be able to achieve anything," said Ferozkhan.
AFL Multicultural AcademyState Camps continue throughout the countryduring April.