NT Thunder Player Movement Rule Review

NT Thunder Player Movement Rule Review

Last night the AFLNT Board approved amendments to the current NT Thunder Player Movement Rule based on recommendations made by the Review Panel, Chaired by CEO of Sport and Recreation Steve Rossingh.

Last night the AFLNT Board approved amendments to the current NT Thunder Player Movement Rule based on recommendations made by the Review Panel, Chaired by CEO of Sport and Recreation Steve Rossingh.

The Rule Review Panel accepted submissions from AFL Northern Territory, NT Thunder, the NTFL Clubs, Sports Scientists and a survey of current and past players was conducted.

"With player welfare at the forefront of the committee’s deliberations a series of recommendations were agreed upon based on the information supplied," stated Rossingh.

"These recommendations were then presented to the AFLNT Board last night who passed the amendments,

"I commend the committee for putting self interest aside and working so diligently with great integrity as they sought a fair outcome that protects the future of the NTFL, the NT Thunder and most importantly players themselves." 

AFLNT CEO Tony Frawley is pleased that a consensus has been reached and that the NTFL Clubs and NT Thunder can move forward together.

"I too would like to congratulate all that were involved through this process, it was a well considered and detailed decision which in the end had the players best interests at heart."

Northern Territory Football Club CEO Jarred Ilett welcomed the amendment which enables the club to personalize programs for individual.

"From an NT Thunder perspective this rule amendment allows us to manage Thunder Players at an individual level, with the main outcome being a player that needs a rest gets a rest without pressure from their respective NTFL Club,

"It opens the communication lines between NT Thunder and NTFL Clubs which contributes to monitoring player workloads during the traditional NTFL Season.

"If there is a collaborative involvement from all key stakeholders the end result will be more local players playing for NT Thunder," advised Ilett.
NTFL Club President Spokesperson Shaun Hardy says that the outcome achieved was a positive one for the NTFL Clubs,

"The NTFL Club Presidents are very happy with the recommendations of the Review Panel and the AFLNT Board’s decision.

"This outcome gives NTFL clubs a fairer share to see our best players playing in our local competition, while at the same time balancing everyone’s primary objective of player welfare.

"The new approach of working collaboratively on individualised player management plans is an initiative that we welcome and are very happy to work through as partners.

"At the end of the day, the success of Territory Thunder and the NTFL depend on each other, and we think that this is a very positive outcome for both.

The following points detail the amendments to the Player Movement Rules, with the rule set down to be reviewed at the mid point of the 2012/13 TIO NTFL Season.

AFLNT will make the full report of the Player Movement Rule Review available to the public once complete.


  1.  Players over 21 years of age            
    • Played less than 10 NTFC matches in the season:

    • Available to play Round 1 and full home and away NTFL matches plus finals  - subject to NTFC Player Management Plan which is to be provide by NTFC to NTFL Clubs by October 1st  each year.
      • Played 10 or more NTFC Matches

      • A player has available to him 10 NTFL matches that can be played at any time during the NTFL home and away season plus finals – subject to NTFC/NTFL Individualised Player Management Plan which is to be provide by NTFC to NTFL Clubs by October 1st  each year
      • If a rest, recovery and rehabilitation period for the player is identified in the NTFC Post season medical assessment the players’ respective NTFL club will be notified by the NTFC Head Coach
        • 21 years of age & Under

        1. Players are subject to individualised Player Management Plans with no "automatic" entitlement to player a minimum or maximum number of matches. Individual Player Management Plan to be provided to NTFL Clubs by October 1st each year.

          • Individualised Player Management Plan Process

          1. Players who play NTFL and NTFC in back to back seasons will be provided with the individualised player management plan by NTFC. As in Rule 1 and 2, the plan is to be provided by October 1st for the NTFL season, and by April 1st  for the NEAFL season.
          2. Where there is disagreement between the Player Management Plan developed by the NTFC and the NTFL Club, an Independent sports science consultant will be asked to arbitrate; with the assistance of the NT Institute of Sport. A penalty for non-compliance will be devised by the NTFL By-Law Review Committee and included in the yearly NTFL Club Licensing Agreements. Similarly an NTFL Club can alert AFLNT (who will use the independent arbiter) if the individualised Player Management Plan is not adhered to by NTFC.

            • Ongoing Review

            Ongoing review of the NTFC/NTFL Player Movement Rule to be conducted with representatives from all key stakeholders with a detailed and formal reviews at the mid point and end of the 2012/13 NTFL season