NT Boys Mean Business in WA

NT Boys Mean Business in WA

A group of Indigenous players attended the recent Rio Tinto AFL Footy Means Business Program which culminated in a match between the North and South which resulted in a draw.

Footy Means Business provides Indigenous men, aged between 18 to 24 years-old from across Australia, with exposure to elite AFL programs and training, along with networking opportunities in corporate environments to strengthen leadership and teamwork skills.
NT Participants at the event included: Tyler Howard (Alice Springs, NT), Juan Darwin (Maningrida, NT), Louie Narndu (Wadeye, NT), Hudson Mitchell (Alice Springs, NT), Lindsay Ryan (Carnarvon, WA), Baydon Ngalkin (Alice Springs, NT), Lulumu Yunipingu (Gove, NT), Jasper Wheeler (Alice Springs, NT), Dylan Guymala (Darwin, NT), Travis Vigona (NT), Mark Parmbuc (Wadeye, NT).
Results from the AFL and Rio Tinto's Footy Means Business match held at Leederville Oval in Perth yesterday, Saturday November 17:
Footy Means Business Match:
Northern, coached by Andrew McLeod:
2. 1. (13)      4. 1. (25)      7. 5. (47)      9. 6. (60)
Southern, coached by Xavier Clarke:
1. 3. (9)        4. 5. (29)      4. 8. (32)      8. 12. (60)              Goal Kickers:Northern:Jasper Wheeler (Hermannsberg NT) 5, Chris Wailu (Karratha WA) 2, Mark Parmbuc (Wadeye, NT) 1, Louie Narndu (Wadeye NT) 1Southern:Peter Cooper (Darwin NT) 2, Zane Brown (Launceston TAS) 2, Clifford Wilson (Adelaide SA) 2, Brad Burns (Mildura, VIC) 1, Jordon Humes (Coburn WA) 1Best on ground:
Northern: No. 11 - Dylan Guymala (Darwin NT)
Southern: No. 16 - Zane Brown (Launceston TAS)