Ground To Be Developed At Freds Pass

Ground To Be Developed At Freds Pass

To cater for the unprecedented  growth in junior numbers at Southern Districts, AFLNT today announced that it will work alongside the Crocs to develop a second football oval at Fred’s pass. A suitable site has been identified by the Crocs and AFLNT will engage a number of key stakeholders to devise a plan for redevelopment of the site.

AFLNT CEO Tony Frawley views the unmet need for an additional oval as further proof that AFL  football, the number one code in the Territory, and continues to grow at an astounding pace.

"We are delighted that Southern Districts now need a second oval to cope with their phenomenal growth in junior numbers. It is a credit to the club that not only have they focused on all important junior development but they are also planning for the future.

"Facility development is a key pillar of AFLNT’s five year growth strategy and we will relentlessly pursue all new opportunities to develop more ovals and improve the facilities already in use. We need to keep pace with the participation growth of the Territories biggest code and we commend the Crocs for having the foresight to plan in advance for their future growth."

The Crocs currently field four Under 14 sides, two Under 16 sides in addition to their Under 18, Division 1, Division 2 and Premier League teams, and will be entering an U12 team into the NTFL this year. The Crocs are one of the biggest junior clubs  in the NT, which according to Frawley is testament to all involved at the club who place a strong emphasis on junior development.

"The Crocs are doing an incredible job with their juniors and are a great example of what a community club should be, fully inclusive and catering for all age groups and grades. A new oval for junior use will allow the Crocs to further enhance its junior development policy," said Frawley.

Southern Districts Crocs president Ray McCasker is pleased with the oval development collaboration with AFLNT.

"With solid growth within the rural area, this announcement is an essential ingredient in providing continual playing facilities for the benefit of not just growing the game but providing our youngsters an opportunity to maximise their ongoing development."

AFLNT Strategy and Planning staff will meet with the Crocs President and Committee in the coming weeks to discuss the oval development plan.

For more information please contact Brad Stewart 0437 962 161

An additional oval will also allow AFLNT to cater for the growth in Auskick and the Thunder Juniors programs in the region."