2011 AFL National Coaching Conference

2011 AFL National Coaching Conference

Register for the 2011 AFL National Coaching Conference by Monday, January 10 and you will go into a draw to win access to 1 x corporate suite for 12 people including food and beverage to a match at Etihad Stadium during the 2011 Toyota AFL Premiership Season.

Friday Jan 28th – Sunday Jan 30th 2011
7pm Friday - 4pm Sunday
Etihad Stadium, Docklands, Melbourne

Click here to register

The AFL National Coaching Conference attracts around 500 coaches from across Australia. The 2011 conference program is aimed at giving Australian Football coaches an opportunity to access the most up-to-date coaching methods and practices.

AFL Umpire Coach PD Program National Conference

The AFL Umpire Coach Professional Development Program National Conference will once again be held in conjunction with the AFL National Coaches Conference. Bringing player coaches and umpire coaches together for this weekend reinforces that umpiring is everybody’s business.
Learn more about arrangements for umpire coaches

  • View a draft program for the 2011 AFL National Coaching Conference
  • View the draft program for the 2011 AFL Umpire Coach Professional

Conference Brochure

The conference brochure provides further information on the conference including:
• Welcome from Andrew Demetriou (AFL CEO)
• Conference themes
• Special programs
• Venue information
• Accommodation
• Program

  • Download the conference brochure