AFL Northern Territory and beyondblue: the national depression initiative has formed a Community Partnership that aims to raise awareness of depression and anxiety disorders across the Northern Territory.

“AFLNT is delighted to be entering into a community partnership with beyondblue, and we recognise that as the largest sporting organisation in the Territory, we have a big role to play in tackling a wide variety of issues,” said AFLNT CEO Tony Frawley.

beyondblue is a not-for-profit organisation that aims to build a society that understands and responds to the personal and social impact of depression and anxiety and works actively to improve the quality of life for everyone affected by these common illnesses.

CEO of beyondblue, Leonie Young said: “We are thrilled to be working with AFLNT and we see this is a wonderful opportunity to get an important message to everyone involved in football in the Territory.

“More than three million people in Australia currently live with depression or an anxiety disorder. These are common illnesses that can affect anyone at any time and should never be considered a weakness. We want people to know that help is available and with the right treatment, most people recover,” she said.

As the Community Partner of AFLNT, beyondblue will provide information about depression, anxiety and related substance abuse, as well as awareness training to AFLNT staff based in remote areas of the Northern Territory.

“Given the locations of our remote Regional Development Managers in Wadeye, Groote Eylandt, Galiwin’ku and the Tiwi Islands, the training and resources provided by beyondblue will enable our community-based employees to identify people at risk and also assist in raising awareness in these communities,” said AFLNT Game Development Manager Kevin Bruce.

“Substance abuse, depression and anxiety disorders are very much taboo subjects in remote communities and we are committed to working closely with beyondblue in an effort to reduce the stigma associated with these conditions,” explained Bruce.

A special beyondblue Cup Challenge between NT Thunder and SANFL powerhouse, the Sturt Football Club, will be held on Friday March 19 at TIO Stadium. There are also plans to incorporate a beyondblue ‘Blue Round’ in the 2010/2011 TIO NTFL Season.

For more information on the partnership between beyondblue and AFLNT please visit or to find out more about depression, anxiety and related disorders, visit or call the beyondblue information line on 1300 22 4636.