Hawks Launch Partnership With Katherine

Hawks Launch Partnership With Katherine

Hawthorn players and staff visit Katherine and undertook a number of activites this week as part of their AFL Community Partnership with the region.

AFL Northern Territory and the Hawthorn Football Club launched their AFL Community Partnership with the Katherine Region this week with a three day visit.
Current listed players in the travelling party included rookie listed player from Kununara, Carl Peterson, first year player Shane Savage, midfielder Brad Sewell and also Darwin’s own Cameron Stokes.
Accompanying the players is Hawthorn’s was their Community Manager Dayna Mackenzie, Player Development and Welfare Manager, Jason Burt and Development Coach David Flood.
Since arriving in Katherine on Monday evening the players and staff have undertaken a number of Community Visits.
On Tuesday morning the travelling party visited Barunga and toured the facilities with local sport and recreation officers. Then the players headed to Beswick where they treated the local school children to a football clinic and answered questions from an inquisitive bunch of school children.
“I have never been to communities before,” said Sewell, “this has provided a lot of perspective and understanding of where these kids come from and the conditions they face.”
Tuesday afternoon saw the group combine with beyondblue: the national depression initiative and Indigenous Hip Hop Projects for a football inspired dance session with all the players and support staff getting involved with the kids and learning some hip hop dance moves.
The Indigenous Hip Hop Projects team works with beyondblue to raise awareness of depression and anxiety among young people, to build resilience and respect for elders and community. Find out more about Youthbeyondblue at
“The children were really responsive, and were really engaged in this, and there was some fantastic talent not only football, but dancing as well,” said Sewell who also took part in the Hip Hop workshop.
The travelling party will be visiting schools in the Katherine region today before returning to Darwin.
The Hawthorn Football Club has committed to a three year community partnership with the Katherine region and will be looking to return in February for another visit to other communities in the region.
For more information regarding the Community Partnership and activities please contact:
Matt Hamdorf – AFLNT Regional Development Manager Katherine – 0422 158 146
Dayna Mackenzie – Hawthorn Football Club Community Manager - 0416 641 614
Brad Stewart – AFLNT Account Servicing Coordinator – 0437 962 161