CAFL Tribunal Update: Round 4

AFL Northern Territory (AFLNT) advises an independent Tribunal sat on Wednesday 19 June 2019 to hear two charges that occurred towards the end of the TIO CAFL Senior Men’s Round 4 game between Rovers Football Club and West Football Club, held on Saturday 18 May at Albrecht Oval. 

An independently appointed investigator had previously ascertained that the incident took place outside the field of play. Therefore, Cameron Glover of Rovers Football Club and Troy Lawton of West Football Club appeared before the Tribunal to each answer a charge of being in breach of the National Member Protection Policy, under points:

7.2. a) Bringing into disrepute, or acting in a manner that is likely to be prejudicial to the interest of or likely bring disrepute to, any of the following:
i. Australian Football;
ii. the AFL;
iii. an Affiliated State & Territory Body; or
iv. a Community Body

7.2. f) Verbally or physically assaulting another person, intimidating another person or creating a hostile environment within Australian Football

Both Glover and Lawton pleaded guilty to the charge of breaching the National Member Protection Policy.

The Tribunal handed each player a four-match suspension, with three matches to be wholly suspended, provided he does not commit an offence of a like/similar nature between now and the end of the TIO CAFL 2020 season.

The investigator’s findings into spectator behaviour with regards to the same incident will be published once the matter is finalised in the coming weeks. 

Please note: When this article was first published it contained an incorrect team name for approximately 40 minutes before being corrected. 

Competition news