Consultation to light Gardens Oval 1 extended for two weeks

Lighting Gardens Oval poster

The consultation to light Gardens Oval 1 has been extended by two weeks to give people more time to provide their feedback.

AFLNT and NT Cricket are proposing to install lights at Gardens Oval 1, with consultation underway since mid-June.

AFLNT CEO Michael Solomon said that there has been solid interest in the proposal and that allowing extra time for the community to provide feedback was the right thing to do.

“We have had a great response so far with interesting discussion being generated at the community meeting held last night.” 

“We are hearing that residents want more time to consider the proposal, and it makes sense to give them that opportunity.”

The proposal includes a four-pole lighting scheme with lights featuring glare shields and rear visors to control light spill and direct it onto the oval.

“There have been over 300 surveys completed which is a fantastic response, so I encourage everyone to jump online and have their say,” said Michael.

Gardens Oval is one of 17 public sports reserves provided by the City of Darwin. Council is expected to decide on whether it supports the proposal following the consultation process.  

Consultation has been extended to 11 August and more information can be found at, or by contacting True North Strategic Communication on 8981 6445 or email