AFL Northern Territory is pleased to announce the umpiring appointments for all grades of the 2015-16 TIO NTFL Grand Finals, announced at the annual NTFL Umpiring Association Grand Final Dinner on Wednesday evening.

Simon Walker, Brodie Rayner, Jack Howard, and Jamieson Galbraith (emergency) have been selected as the field umpires for the Premier League match.
The boundary umpires will be Michael Simpson, John Rawsthorne, Merlene Hutt, and Mathew Collins.
Shaun Ostler and Melissa Thiele will be the goal umpires while Angela Wood will be the third scorer.
AFLNT Umpiring Manger Mark Noonan congratulated the umpiring group on their efforts during the finals series.
“The umpires selected for the Premier League Grand Final have officiated consistently and reliably throughout the 2015/16 NTFL season.
“This panel is in the best form, it has a blend of experience and some are breaking through for their first Premier League Grand Final with each umpire thoroughly deserving of their appointment,” said Noonan.
The umpiring appointments for all grades of the TIO NTFL Competition are as follows:
Premier League
Field Umpires:
Simon Walker will be doing his 7th League GF – 168 NTFL League games
Brodie Rayner will be doing his 1st League GF – 33 NTFL League games
Jack Howard will be doing his 1st League GF– 21 NTFL League games
Boundary Umpires:
Michael Simpson will be doing his 24th League GF – 485 NTFL League games
John Rawsthorne will be doing his 1st League GF – 42 NTFL League games
Merlene Hutt will be doing his 1st League GF – 22 NTFL League Games
Mathew Collins will be doing his 2nd League GF – 77 NTFL League Games
Goal Umpires:
Shaun Ostler will be doing his 3rd League GF – 110 NTFL League Games
Melissa Thiele will be doing her 1st League GF – 69 NTFL League Games
Emergency Field Umpire:
Jamieson Galbraith – 33 NTFL League Games
3rd Scorer:
Angela Wood – 16 NTFL League Games

Division 1
Field – Zac Dent, Rees Williams & Andrew Smith
Boundary – Kathryn Flynn, Hayden Kelly, Andrew Hurwood & Jasper Hutt
Goal – Angela Wood & Kieth Pratt
Emergency – Stuart Sim

Division 2
Field – Ben Griffiths, Ben Heaslip & David C Armstrong
Boundary – James Marriner, Beckie Taylor, Robbie Henderson, Will Reeve
Goal – Tony Miles & John Robinson
Emergency – Sheryle Schmode

Under 18 Boys
Field – Daniel Kriticos, Craig Garland & Steve Panjer
Boundary – Nic Cowling, Louis Reid, Michael Butler & Leonie Richards
Goal – Joanne Wood & Jack Whitehead
Emergency – Isaac Reid

Under 16 Hickman
Field – John Colwill, Brett Wagner & Terry Mahney
Boundary – Jessie Whittles, Megan Spiritosanto & Jenny Roe
Goal – Jim Thiele & Georga Sallows

Under 16 Leverance
Field – Chris Lyndon, Graeme Flesfadar & Michael Haaren
Boundary – Garey Neenan, Chafey Mu & Graham Baker
Goal – Karyn Cook & Klim Parnell

Under 14 Gundersen
Field – Geoff Bawden & Angus Elder
Boundary – Brent Campbell, Patraic Parnell & John Trott
Goal – Caroline Olsen & John Kidd

Under 14 LewFatt
Field – Brodie Morcom & Tate Bawden-Hill
Boundary – Justin Quintner, Chloe Gallio & Angus Modra
Goal – Gaetano Gugilotta & Allen Walsh

Under 12 Atkinson
Field – Joseph Salmon & Cameron Brodie
Goal – Andrew Jones & Alistair Laird

Under 12 Deslandes
Field – Peter Pusterla & Felix Robinson
Goal – Cassie Reeve & Craig Laird

AFLNT would also like to congratulate the umpires from last week’s girls and women’s TIO NTFL Grand Finals.

Women’s Division 1 (last week)
Field – Sheryle Schmode, Isaac Reid & Ben Ogden
Boundary – Sally Ellis, Kate Birch & Sandy Brock
Goal – Prue Lange & Tracy Robinson

Under 18 Girls (last week)
Field – Daniel Reeve & Ethan Spiritosanto
Goal – Aaron Brunt & Erin Ranie

Under 15 Girls
Field – Andre Price-Wuintner & Lance Hutt
Goal – Alastair Laird & Craig Laird