NTFL Rd 11 - Umpiring Is Your Business TOO!

NTFL Rd 11 - Umpiring Is Your Business TOO!

Round 11 is Umpiring is Everyone's Business and the main aim is the encourage awareness and appreciate the tough job the men and women do in the centre in officiating rounds of football.

Round 11 of the 2012/13 TIO NTFL Season is "Umpiring is Everyone’s Business (UIEB) – so let’s all have a positive impact on the game" Round. The national campaign is in its 3rd year and the NTFL competition has jumped on board and is promoting the importance of a positive match day environment and also awareness umpiring plays in our great game as the national round is usually conducted in early May of each calendar year. While cultural change does not improve overnight themed rounds like this serve an important milestone to help create change.
This campaign is to support umpires at the community level of the game and emphasises that everyone involved in Australian Football - coaches, players, administrators, parents and supporters – has a role to play in creating a positive match day environment.
One in everyfour community umpires nationally leave the game each year due to the abuse and intimidation of umpires from coaches, players and spectators turns umpires away from the game. Majority of these umpires are in their first two seasons of their umpiring careers.
The AFL, AFL Coaches Association, AFL Players Association and umpires have come together to help deliver the message to suburban and country leagues and we hope your club can join in this national campaign. We currently have a behavior section in our NTFL Club Champion and Spirit of Football Awards towards the well being of umpires by the clubs.
One of UIEB initiatives to help improve better player/umpire and coach/umpire relationship that AFLNT would like to implement during all 43 NTFL matches this coming weekend is that ALL Coaches to meet in the middle of the ground at the coin toss with their respective captains and shake hands to thank all umpires for their contribution to the NTFL competition.
AFLNT look forward to working with the Umpires in making a stronger connection and relationship between Umpires, the players, coaches and spectators of our great game.
For more information about umpiring please visit www.umpireafl.com.au