Top End Female Umpires lead the way in AFL Women’s Round

Top End Female Umpires lead the way in AFL Women’s Round

AFL Round 17 not only saw the Melbourne Demons and Port Adelaide Power travel to TIO Stadium, Darwin, but also the exciting progress of female umpires in the Top End.

Developing green shirt field umpires Kelly Tellam, Joanne Wood, Merlene Hutt and Shay Higgins were all involved umpiring NAB AFL Auskick games at half time of the big AFL clash, and were well and truly setting a high standard. AFLNT Umpiring Manager, Mark Noonan hopes this encourages more women to take up umpiring within the NT, "with the 2012/13 NTFL season shortly upon us in early October, we really hope that women in the Top End see umpiring as a fun and exciting wet season sport, which can provide great fitness, an exciting social scene and even some handy pocket money."
Highlighted by female AFL goal umpire Chelsea Roffey on the front cover of the AFL record, women too can follow the AFLNT Umpiring Development Pathway which starts in the national green shirt program, and can lead all the way to the NTFL Premier League, NEAFL and even the AFL.
One of the umpires from the ½ time NAB AFL Auskick games on the weekend, Kelly Tellam tells of the benefits of umpiring in the Top End, "As an umpire in the NTFLUA, the support for females is an asset and is highlighted by the constant encouragement and support given by fellow umpires".
Kelly also said that social benefits of umpiring are not to be ignored, "I am privileged to be involved in such an amazing team where gender is not a barrier to ensuring development and team cohesion".
If you are male or female, umpiring provides an amazing opportunity to be a part of a great team atmosphere, and Women’s Round highlights this according to Kelly, "Recognising women within the wider AFL community will only further encourage and support young girls and women to participate in local footy as an umpire, player or supporter."