Wugalarr Eagles Youth Girls Champions!

Wugalarr Eagles Youth Girls Champions!

AFLNT in partnership with RYCO hosted the 1st Under 16 Youth Girls Championships. With 6 teams taking part from all over NT the girls had a great experience.

Congratulations to the Wugularr Eagles who took out the Under 16 Youth Girls Championships in great style.
The two day carnival started off with all participants being tested on their physical fitness and skill, much like the AFL Draft Camps for men. The girls rose to the challenge and many had surprising results. The majority of girls had never been exposed to testing like this and were keen to try the tests again to improve!
Competition started later that  afternoon with some entertaining matches. The girls from Wugularr showed early glimpses of things to come but suffered a loss to Tennant Creek 2 in the first round. It would be the only loss they would suffer for the rest of the carnival.
We saw some high flying  marks, quick pace and good attack on the footy as  teams tried their hearts out to be named the first Youth Girls Champions in NT!
The Grand Final was played in fine spirit with all supporters getting behind both sides. Millie Sandy the Wugalarr coach made the carnival with her enthusiasiam and passion.
Our wonderful sponsors RYCO came and watched most of the games. Without them we could no thave run such a great event for the girls. A big THANK YOU to them.