

Welcome to our dedicated section celebrating the incredible women in umpiring within the AFL community. If you're new to football or umpiring, and curious about the exciting opportunities available for women and girls, you're in the right place! Here's what you should know: 


Umpiring Opportunities for Women & Girls

  • Inclusive Environment: AFL offers a welcoming atmosphere for women to participate as umpires and make their mark in the sport. 
  • Growth & Support: Experience the growth of women's participation in umpiring, backed by strong community support and mentorship programs. 

Pathways to Success

  • Inspiring Journeys: Coming Soon! Read inspiring stories from women who've embarked on their umpiring journey and reach remarkable heights in the field. 
  • Career Progression: Learn about the diverse pathways available for women to progress in umpiring, from community leagues to elite AFL competitions.

Educational Resources

  • Understanding the Game: If you're new to football, access resources that simplify AFL rules and gameplay, tailored to those starting their journey in umpiring.
  • Equipment & Uniform: Get insights into the right gear and equipment needed for umpiring, ensuring you're fully prepared for the field.

Connect & Engage

  • Community Sports: Connect with fellow aspiring and experienced female umpires, sharing experiences and advice to foster a sense of community.
  • Events & Workshops: Stay updated with upcoming events, workshops, and training sessions designed to empower and embrace skills for women in umpiring.

FAQs & Assistance

  • Have Questions? Explore our FAQ section tailored for individuals new to both football and umpiring, providing answers to common queries. 
  • Reach Out: Don't hesitate to reach out to us for any further assistance or inquiries via email: We're here to support and guide you in your umpiring journey!


Join us in celebrating the strength and impact of worm in umpiring. Whether you're just starting or looking to advance your umpiring career, the world of AFL welcomes you! 🌟